Enlightenment brings information and understanding through employing the principles of the universe of honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, brotherly love, perseverance, and service. How well do you abide in these daily? read more...
My fellow was not much at talking when I met him 11 years ago. He had been bullied by his wife of 36 years and kept his comments to a minimum. He was an engineer and sworn to secrecy for much of his career; communicating was not his forte. read more...
This graduation gift keeps giving through out your life. The reward you reap from "Being true to yourself", are an inner knowing that you are living your own life just the way you choose. The courage you took in your life to live and to trust yourself offers others an example to do the same. You are responsible for your happiness, inner success, and self-respect; that is your security and birthright. read more...
It is not our job to find God, but to find those things that obscure God. This reminds me that God has always been within. However, my drama, trauma, and karma has covered up the Great Reality. Unfinished business, negative thoughts, words, and behavior, along with karma, deeply buried the love inside for me. My wake-up call brought a discovery that has led me to understand the dynamics of energy in our lives. read more...
As a retired teacher with over 50 years of teaching in the state of Washington, I have a big concern about the current path being taken by our school systems. Our country has departed from our pioneers in education: such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Abraham Maslow. Friedrich Froebel's philosophy was that humans are creative beings. These educators provided an innovative process producing real education for pupils. Educators should be responsible for teaching students that learning is limitless. They must become cognizant of their own abilities and choose what works for them. read more...
Norman Vincent Peale was right. Years ago in one of his articles in Guideposts, he talked about the 12 steps, including the comment that they would work for most any problem. I then read his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking" which has since become a classic. Putting these two models together has not only worked for all my problems, but has healed my medical conditions, too. read more...
Cairo's heavy flush of air forced itself on my face as I descended the steps from the plane after an eleven-hour flight. I know I will not find much relief for the next two weeks. A layer of powdery motes seemed to cover everything as I traveled through the city. Between chaotic traffic and crumbling buildings I spied a narrow strip of sparse, thirsty grass in the center of the street. At night the neighbors congregate there, seeking a cooler place than their bare rooms. read more...
When I read about the results of the WASL in the paper recently, I became unhappy that people have not woken up to the real reasons behind the WASL and its part of the NCLB ACT. read more...
I never said "No," again to my husband.
A number of comments and situations got my attention in the last 24 hours. At a morning meeting with 40-50 people, one of the men made a sarcastic, stabling comment to me. Instead of playing the victim, as I have most of my life, I stood up for myself in the face of someone putting me down before all those people. I had been planning on saying something that fit right in and now I said it! The man didn’t like what I said, but I was glad I said it.
I found the right man for me. We could communicate into all hours of the night. He sat behind me in the band rehearsals in college. His clarinet and my flute playing on stage kept us attending the same functions and classes. Meeting at a dance the first night of school made me aware he was a good dancer, and I thought he was attractive. read more...
Who wishes to continue in misery, wretchedness, and depression? Alcoholism is an incurable disease that ends at the time of death. However, this interim period between the two points can be extended into a normal, happy, and productive life if one accepts and practices the necessity for treatment for the rest of his or her life. Thousands of people today claim a daily healing from this malady, and as a result, enjoy living. With truthful information, no one in this enlightened age has to suffer—denial is prevalent. read more...